Thursday 10 November 2011

the scinece and religion theory

i love this topic, anytime it comes up i get really excited! for those who dont know me i am not against religion, i just think that religion  segragates people and cause conflict. I think alot of religions are corrupt and have lost the essence of what its all How do religion and scinece co-exsist? Well, we all know something crated us, weather it be your god or my god or my moms god. So we were created, i think its much more conceivable to have been created by a higher power or intelligence than to have been created just by chance as the big bang theory states. Really i would rather be a very high tech biological computer than just an accident. In the bible, god tells us he created us in his image....the key word is created.We are most definitely not alone, as he (or she if you preffer) is telling us that not only did she (or he) create us but they were not alone doing it. Is it so far fetched that we come from a more civilized or advanced form of us? what if its more of the consious state like a soul. so what if these souls found earth, created biological computers to live on this lavish world and used them as vessels for them to enjoy breathing, eating,sensory functions etc... what if their intentions were to have a "garde of eden" or a perfect place to habitat in harmony. If this is true than it would also not be so far fetched to have other intelligence out there...maybe not as peacfull as souls. Maybe they like to over eat, over indulge, abuse their bodies for would make sense why for thousands of years there have been countless acounts of artificial intelligence, becasue they have guided us to be great, to do great things, to create as we have been created! we are marvelous creatures, we live in a beautiful environment, we eat delicious foods, have the ability to self upgrade (evolve) Who wouldnt want to live here. So in short
 we were created (by god or some other intelligence) and have vessels(our bodies, biological computers) in wich our true selves (our souls) can live on earth. we have free will and are able to do as we wish as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else.sound familiar? Sience and Religion mixed!

fountain of youth

what is the fountain of youth. Is it a place, or an object? i think its the water in the fountain of youth that is the real secret. Is it possible that drinking adequte amounts of water will help you live longer? I think so, i also think its very popssible that the fountain of youth is a metaphor for water. just plain and simple water, wich is why the fountain of youth has never been found. WHY? water is good for us as we know, when we grow old we prune up ...almost like being dehydrated. whats the cure for hydration? water...thus old age (dehydration of the body) can be reversed(slow down old age) with the fountain of youth (water)